Thursday, February 26, 2009


Facebook is taking up too much of my time lately. It's the first thing I check when I wake up in the morning, before I leave my house, and when I get home. Before dinner, after walking my dog, during a commercial break. I check it anytime I get on the computer and always first. Currently, Facebook is open in another tab of my browser right now.

I'm not proud of this. In fact, I'm pretty fuckin annoyed at myself. Yes, I keep in touch with certian people on facebook that I wouldn't get to otherwise. I also get to see their photos from their weekend, read what their friends from 6th grade write on their wall, and pay attention to what their are doing rightthisveryminute.

Nope, not proud of this at all.

I think I need a facation. A VAcation from FAcebook. [Damn I'm clever.] The thing making me hesitate more than anything is thinking about all those people that I only talk to on line... but I'll be back eventually, and I'll let em know first.

I think this will be good for me.

I am, also, a little dizzy from all these cleaning product fumes I've inhaled over the last couple hours, but that's why I'm taking a break from that.

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