Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fuck You

Copied from a myspace bulletin.

Our most versatile word. By its stress and inflection it
can describe many emotions. It can be used as a noun (I
don't give a fuck), as an objective (it's fucked), as a
verb in it's transitive form (the game was fucked up by
the weather), and it's intransitive form (I'll be fucked),
in the present tense (I'm fucked), in the past tense (I
was fucked).

It can be an an adverb (Mary is fucking interested in
John). It can also be used as an adjective(Mary is fucking
beautiful) or an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date
with Mary).

It can even be used as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck
she's also stupid). As you can see, there are very few
words with the overall versatility of the word "fuck".

Many everyday expresions show it's true versatility ...

Denial -----------I didn't fucking do it
Perplexity -----------I know fuck all about it
Apathy------------ Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?
Greetings------------ How the fuck are you
Resignation-------- Oh fuck it
Derision ----------He fucks everything up
Suspicion ---------Who the fuck are you
Panic------------- Let's get the fuck out of here
Directions ----------Fuck off
Disbelief ---------How the fuck did you do that
Fraud ------------- I got fucked by the car dealer.
Trouble ---------- I guess I'm fucked now.
Aggression ----------FUCK YOU!
Disgust ---------------Fuck me.
Confusion ------------What the fuck.......?
Difficulty -------- I don't understand this fucking business!
Despair --------- Fucked again...
Pleasure-------- I fucking couldn't be happier.
Displeasure---------- What the fuck is going on here?
Lost -------------Where the fuck are we.
Disbelief----------- UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!
Retaliation----------- Up your fucking ass!

The word has been used throughout history by many famous
people. Some of the more notable quotations are:

What the fuck was that
-- The Mayor of Hiroshima

Look at all the fucking Indians
-- General Custer

Where's all that fucking water come from
-- Noah

Any fucker can understand that
-- Einstien

It fucking looks like her
-- Picasso

Where the fuck are we
-- Christopher Columbus

I'm fucking blowing bubbles
-- Michael Jackson

How the fuck do you work that out
-- Pythagarus

You want what on the fucking ceiling
-- Michael Angelo

Fuck a duck
-- Walt Disney

Why? Because it's fucking there
-- Sir Edmond Hillary

I don't suppose it's fucking raining
-- Joan of Arc

I didn't want to fucking go anyway
-- Sebastian Coe

I haven't got a fucking clue
-- Miss Marples

Scattered showers my fucking arse
-- Noah

She wants how much fucking money?!?!?
-- Donald Trump

Look! Almost every fucking kernel popped!
-- Orville Reddenbacher

We'll fucking smoke those fuckers out of their fucking caves!
-- George W. Bush

The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say "Fuck"? Use it frequently in your daily speech; it will add to your prestige

Today say to someone "FUCK YOU"

1 comment:

Phil Haultain said...

My personal favorite; "Fuck you, you fucking fuck."