Friday, October 31, 2008

Fo Real

What is truth?

I googled truth and got an antismoking campaign.

I searched for truth on photobucket and found that I didn't know, couldn't handle and wasn't good enough for the truth. 

Truth Pictures, Images and Photos

I asked Wikipedia for the truth and the web site quoted the dictionary. 

So I asked and it told me truth was the true or actual state of the matter.

But I say... according to who

Whose deciding what the actual state of the matter really is? The people? God? Ronald McDonald? 

I think I'm becoming a bit of a sceptic. 


Little black babies serving frat boys cheese.



What is the world coming to? 

Monday, October 27, 2008


Man, it's been a while.

Not on purpose, of course. I think about little things that would look good on a computer screen a lot- my new obsession with conspiracy theories, (which, actually, aren't really conspiracies at ALL! We're just livin in the Matrix. For real) all the funky dreams I've been having lately (this morning, I woke up with an intense urge to go to the gym. When I got there, I realized I had a dream last night where my former boss told me to loose ten pounds. I felt a small death somewhere inside me) or deep thoughts like, 'what's the deal with reality TV', 'how do friendships change over time?', or 'man, I think about my boyfriend too much', but I seem to loose all those little ideas in quiet monologues spilled out on my man's chest, hidden under a sheet.

You really don't need a blog spot when you have your own human well to pour all your random thoughts into. 

It's great, meeting someone you connect with so fully and fearlessly. My hun and I have been together less than two months, but it seems like we know each other to the marrow and back. We're compatible, fascinating (to each other, but that's what counts), supportive and cuddly. He's changed me, for better and forever, and I've seen differences in him that make me smile. We're good for each other. 


Two months. We've been dating for two months. 

I love him, I KNOW I do, and I know he would die for me. But I can't help but wonder if this is all just a honeymoon phase. If another sixty days will find us squabbling and bitter, and two months after that find me lying next to someone else.

I don't want that to happen. I feel, however, that conventional wisdom says that a fire this bright burns out fast, and we're given a short running time by the laws of the universe. There are a lot of them, and they're pretty fail-proof: what goes up, must come down, the shortest distance between two points in a straight line, everybody dies, and a relationship this new based on bein crazy about each other (no matter how good) is bound to disappoint. 

Well, either that, or we'll be married by the end of the year, a thought that doesn't comfort me any more than the future demise of this beautiful little world we've created for each other. 

I remember reading once about a couple that got married after seventeen days together. Seventeen. Less than three weeks. I think about them sometimes, not in relation to my little situation or maliciously, but just as one of those thoughts that randomly pass through you head through out the course of a day, like a theme song of a TV show from you Nickelodeon years, or the memory of your first grade teacher. I wonder what there lives are like now. If they're still together, if they have kids, what it was like meeting each other's parents or seeing each other through a major life crisis. I hope they're together, or at least happy. Everyone deserves that. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Words of Advice

Think for yourself. Challenge authority. Listen to your body. Try anything that sounds like a good idea at the time, but be smart about it. Some things are only worth trying once, if at all. Fake it til you make it, especially confidence. You're only as awesome as you think you are. Respect and honesty are the most important parts of ANY relationship (parent/child, boy/girlfriend, customer/HEB checker) and the sooner you start to cultivate that, the happier your relationships will be. Don't be ashamed of ANY of your thoughts, and take responsibility for ALL your actions. Your parents are right. And don't get high before class. (in college) 

I got asked to bestow advice on high school students. This is what I came up with. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

School check

Brigham Young University

Rankings and Recognition for Brigham Young University

From U.S.News & World Report:

#79 - BYU's rank among best national universities

#16 - Least Debt

#26 - Great Schools Great Price

#38 - Best Undergraduate Business Program (Marriott School of Management)

#3 - Best Undergraduate Accounting Program (Marriott School)

#19 - International business program specialty (Marriott School)

From The Princeton Review:

#1 - Stone-Cold Sober Schools

#1 - Students Pray on a Regular Basis

#1 - Future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution

#3 - Best College Library

#4 - Students Most Nostalgic for Ronald Reagan

From U.S.News & World Report: Graduate School Rankings

Business: #41 Overall – BYU’s Marriott School of Management

Law: #44 Overall – J. Reuben Clark Law School

Nursing: #72 Overall – BYU’s Nursing program

Social Work: #87 Overall - Graduate social work program

Engineering: #92 Overall - College of Engineering

General rankings:

#10 - In number of graduates who go on to earn PhDs (NORC at the University of Chicago)

#1 - Producer of dental school-bound students (AADSAS)

#6 - Producer of law school-bound students (LSAC)

Top 10 - Producer of medical school-bound students (AAMC)

#9 - Number of short-term study abroad programs (Institute of International Education)

#16 - Number of students in study abroad (Institute of International Education)

#1 - Yield: Accepted students who go on to enroll (U.S. News)

From The Wall Street Journal:

#1 - Master of Business Administration program among regional schools.

#2 - Business school ethics emphasis

#4 - Accounting emphasis

You see what's bold, italic and green? That's enough to make me stop lookin at this school. I already know we won't get along. NEXT!

Arkansas Baptist College

Next on my list is Arkansas Baptist College. I went to the web page and immediately left after reading the motto: "It's a GOoD thing!" See ya. 

Why are all the cheap schools so uber religious? I don't have anything against religious people, or even religious schools, but I'm not down to be converted every time I go to class. I wouldn't have any problem with going to a religious school, but universities that fly their flag so high and proud are after a certain demographic. And I am not it. 

Philander Smith College

Looks like a mostly-black school. Got nothing wrong with that- I've def got some chocolate love. According to their website, they are "a private, residential, co-educational, four-year undergraduate liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist church and a founding member of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). Philander is classified as a baccalaureate (liberal arts) college by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Updated in 2007, the  College's emerging mission is to “graduate academically accomplished students who are grounded as advocates for social justice, determined to intentionally change the world for the better.”

No red flags yet for me, but I'd need to find out how their sociology program is before I rule em out.

So far I only like one school on my list, but I'd rather rule out all but one than have too many to choose from. Anyone that's ever ordered with me at a restaurant knows that I don't do well making decisions. More later.

Back in Blue

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I haven't blogged lately. Actually, in almost a month. Not only that, but I haven't been keepin up with my blogs that I read either, which has me kinda sad. I don't have any excuse to that except... oops

A lot has happened in the last month which has kept me kinda busy and my mind pretty occupied including: I fell in love, lost my job, got another job, got cast in a play, quit said play, and learned to ride a bike. I also read three books and saw three movies, including Debbie Does Dallas, which... made me think. At best. Also, I bought three pairs of shoes. 

I wonder what all those threes mean...

I've also put some thought into what I want to do with myself and my educational career. My lack of anything to say in that regard has, more than anything, kept me shying away from my blog. Writing about anything else would just make me feel guilty, so I'd start a blog, stare at it restlessly for an hour or so while I checked my facebook and then close the window and forget about it. Seriously- I have like 5 half written blogs from the last month that will never be more than drafts at best. Deeee-lete

Anyway, the list below this is a composite of a few schools I wanna check out, one a day or something like that. I checked a few boxes on college board dot com and they gave me this list of schools that might fit what I'm lookin for. They actually gave me twenty-one pages of schools. I just narrowed them down to schools outside of Texas but somewhere in the west with out-of-state tuition less than 15,000. It's still a butt load of schools. But somewhere, out there, is a school that's right for me... right? All I gotta do is find it....


Number 3

The number 3 is symbolic of "completeness," or "divine perfection".[10][11][12] Examples include, the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) being God and Christ was dead for 3 days before being resurrected.

#SuaresIamblichusSchimmelSchneiderBrownPopularFourth WayConsensusChristian
1Life/DeathUnity IdentityPrimordial BeingWholly OneFormInitiatingUnityUnity CreationUnity Oneness
2ContainerFormless FormPolarity DivisionTwo to TangoContentCooperationDualityDualityDividing
3MovementActuality ExtensionSynthesisThree-part HarmonyAgreementExpressionRelationshipPowerDivine Perfection
4ResistanceSolidityMaterial OrderMother SubstanceDistinctionFoundationMaterial ExistenceSolidityWorld Creation
5LifeLife MediacyLife/LoveRegenerationIdentityExpansionGrowthSensualityGrace

AND C (the first letter of my name, like, duh) is the third letter of the alphabet! I wonder what that has to do with DDD?


Brigham Young University

Provo, UT 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $4080

Arkansas Baptist College

Little Rock, AR 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $5700

Philander Smith College

Little Rock, AR 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $8740

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Pine Bluff, AR 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $9236

Rogers State University

Claremore, OK 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $9734

Cameron University

Lawton, OK 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $9975

Dixie State College of Utah

St. George, UT 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $10063

National University

La Jolla, CA 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $10224

Bacone College

Muskogee, OK 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $10418

University of Central Oklahoma

Edmond, OK 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $10652

University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11031

Weber State University

Ogden, UT 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11157

University of Hawaii: West Oahu

Pearl City, HI 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11578

University of Central Arkansas

Conway, AR 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11605

University of Alaska Southeast

Juneau, AK 
Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11839

    Metropolitan State College of Denver

    Denver, CO 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $11949

    Humphreys College

    Stockton, CA 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $12240

    Western New Mexico University

    Silver City, NM 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $12718

    University of the Southwest

    Hobbs, NM 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $12750

    Mid-America Christian University

    Oklahoma City, OK 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $12800

    Harding University

    Searcy, AR 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $13130

    Boise State University

    Boise, ID 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $13208

    California State University: Bakersfield

    Bakersfield, CA 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14241

    University of Alaska Fairbanks

    Fairbanks, AK 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14248

    Arkansas State University

    State University, AR 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14290

    University of Arkansas at Little Rock

    Little Rock, AR 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14304

    Sonoma State University

    Rohnert Park, CA 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14442

    New Mexico State University

    Las Cruces, NM 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14740

    Colorado State University: Pueblo

    Pueblo, CO 
    Out-of-state tuition & fees: $14788