Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Horoscope for today is...

Wednesday, Jul 30th, 2008 -- On a day when so much seems to be going well, something is gnawing at you from the inside, preventing you from being happy. An unresolved emotional issue may be lingering, but you don't have any idea about how to address this and make it right. Instead of changing anything about your current circumstances, the real work now is within. You don't need to depend on anyone else to make you feel better. Just shift your perspective.

Ya know how sometimes the universe sends you just what you need to hear? 


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


When you find out your opinion is wrong, it turns the whole world on it's head. 


Monday, July 28, 2008


I really hate it when a website requiring a profile asks for your favorite music.

Don't get me wrong, I love music. I love love LOVE music. But I feel that every time you announce to the world what bands, genres, and musicians you align yourself with, it's almost like marking yourself, or joining a gang. I feel there's too much emphasis placed on the importance of one's musical tastes. Maybe it's me; maybe I'm paranoid. 

That being said, I DO love talking about music. I love being exposed to new music, seeing live musicians, enveloping myself in music facts. And since I also love to hear myself talk (online?) I'm going to list my favorite albums. Not my favorite artists, because, honestly, there are a lot of musicians out there with bucket loads of my respect, but rather the albums that I find just perfect. I was having a conversation with a friend about this the other day about great albums, that you can't skip through one song. That's how I like to listen to music- by the album. Or with my itunes on shuffle, like it is now. Whichever. 

Anyway, my most fav albums are (in no particular order):

The Beatles - Abbey Road

How can I not start with this epic album? The first time I heard it all the way through, I cried. From the AWESOME end of the first side, a huge wall of sound at the end of I Want You (She's So Heavy) to the drum solo on the end of The End, this is an album that rocks you to your core, Beatles fan or not. 

Bedouin Soundclash - Street Gospels 

I saw these guys open for Hot Hot Heat last October. I had never heard of them before, but they made a bigger impression on me than the band I paid to see. The album is a fantastic reggae album that I had on replay for months.

Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News

Real Modest Mouse fans *scoff* at anyone that lists this as their favorite Modest Mouse album. I can't help it- I still think it's one of the best albums EVER. It's more than a playlist of awesome music. It tells such a complete and powerful story about dealing with the death of a friend. Or, that's how I read it.

Paul Simon - Graceland

Ground breaking album by one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century, and the first Album I could sing all the way through. What else can I say?

Simon & Garfunkle - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

Since we're talking about Paul Simon anyway, I can't help but list another one of my favorite albums. This entire album sounds like a book of poetry set to music. My fav- The Dangling Conversation. A sample:

Its a still life water color,
Of a now late afternoon,
As the sun shines through the curtained lace
And shadows wash the room.
And we sit and drink our coffee
Couched in our indifference,
Like shells upon the shore
You can hear the ocean roar
In the dangling conversation
And the superficial sighs,
Are the borders of our lives.

Pure Poetry. *sigh*

Anyway, I better go start my day. I KNOW I have more to add to this list, but it should happen another time. 

Fuck Yeah!

I love myspace questionnaire bulletins. They're fun. Here's my latest one:

35 little secrets:
Be honest no matter what!

[Caroline says: I'm always honest]

-[ ZERO] Who was your last text from ?
Whiskey Bob, the slow-talkin, hot-jivin hobo

-[ ONE] Where was your default pic taken
The White House

-[ TWO ] What' s your middle name?
Danger, baby

-[ THREE] your relationship status?

-[ FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
Every time I go to the mall

-[ FIVE] What is your current mood?

-[ SIX] Whats ONE of your best friends names?

-[SEVEN ] What' s your favorite color(S)?

-[EIGHT] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
the signing of the declaration of independance

-[NINE] Have a crazy side?

-[[TEN] Ever had a near death experience
yeah a few... well, I've been near people as they died... well, as I killed them...

-[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
shoot up

-[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
the religious left

-[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
person I like?

-[FOURTEEN] When is the last time you cried?
I'm crying now

-[FIFTEEN] Who would you do anything for ?
you, baby

-[SEVENTEEN] How old are you??
barely legal ;)

-[EIGHTEEN] What does your last text message say?
I want to *** your **** **** **** and then *** **** all *** night **** ****

-[TWENTY] Who was your last missed call from?
the FBI, but I'm not returning their calls

-[TWENTY-ONE] Do you still watch kiddy shows
Barney is my hero

-[TWENTY-TWO] Have you kissed someone with the following letters K, or V?
What, you think I know the names of everyone I make out with?

-[TWENTY- THREE ] Do you speak any other languages?

-[TWENTY- FOUR] What would you say if she showed up at your door?
fuck off

-[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word?

-[TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?

-[TWENTY- SEVEN ] What are you thinking about right now?

-[TWENTY- EIGHT ] What should you be doing right now?
finding the antidote

-[TWENTY- NINE] What is your favorite memory?
yum.... :)

-[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
I've Got A Crush On You - Ella Fitzgerald

-[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person you told I love you to?
Andy Dick, written in my blood all over his house

-[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Andy Dick, duh

-[THIRTY- FIVE] Who was the last person(s) to make you smile?
I never smile

Sunday, July 27, 2008


SO I had a dream the other night.

I love dreams. I dream a lot, and I try to remember them as often as I can. You know how sometimes you don't remember your dream or even that you dreamed until you see something in your everyday life that brings back a flash of it? Happens to me all the time

I had a dream the other night that I didn't remember until I saw one of my family's puppies (my mother's soon-to-be-husband's dog had babies about six weeks ago) flip her brother over on his back and lick his... weenie. All of a sudden the dream-image of two monkeys having sex like humans popped into my head. They girlie monkey was doing something similar as the puppies in front of me (in their defense, I'm sure there was nothing sexual to little Oprah licking Mac- she probably just liked the salty taste. Ew) and then moved into a "backward cowboy" position.

That's all I remembered.


The human mind is a dark pit of some weird ass shit.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


So I've decided to start a blog.

In this I am a little behind most of America; Wikipedia lists in a not-recently-updated article that there will be 200 million blogs in 2007... I'm going to guess there are a few more now, in the middle of '08.

So why am I bothering to become one of millions screaming my opinion out into the vast reaches of the internet, a tiny voice in a desert? I started a blog once before, around the same time I started my myspace. I actually really liked writing it. For a child of the 21st century like myself, it's much easier to type than write, and you are less likely to loose your journal when it doesn't exist in your hand, but as a bunch of zeros and ones.

Although that just might be me.

I stopped writing in it when I started getting readers; my blogs were getting kind of personal (in a bad way) and the thought of my hundreds of casual acquaintances (cuz who DOESN'T have 90 million 'friends' on myspace?) and anyone else who might breeze by my page being able to tap into the darkest parts of my soul (dramatic!) freaked me out. It's still up, only because some of those entries were/are SO personal I can't bare to loose them, but I have all the juicy ones on private. I go back and read them sometimes, and shudder at what a little idiot I was. I'm a much different kind of idiot now.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing THIS blog, is because of where I am in my life. The last year, and the last six months especially, have been very transitional for me. I've been asking myself tough questions about who I am, and, more importantly, who I want to be. It's hard to express that out loud to people, even though with deep thoughts like that it's nice to hear your opinions rolling around on your tongue, to bounce them back and forth with another inquisitive mind. I've found myself caught in many 'heavy' conversations lately with people who really don't want to be there- my life journey is one I need to work on by myself!

And that's what this is for. Even if no one will ever read this, or I quit after 5 posts (and they all say "woke up this morning. went to work. went to sleep. ho hum") I know that this will be important to me. I think.

Cheers to a long and happy collection of soul-searching musings!

*guzzles champagne; passes out*