I really liked it. I thought it was scarily true to life for the most part. (I did have some issues with Katherine Heigl's decision making skills... but that will have to wait for later. It's 2 AM and I work tomorrow. This needs to be short. OK, I'm done now) The characters and situations were funny and oh-so-real. I laughed out loud many times, and will def watch it again.
But one scene has stuck in my mind over all the rest the last couple days. It seemed too real, hit a little too close to home for comfort. The scene I'm talking about is the first sex scene, when they're coming home drunk from the bar. The two leads rip off each others clothes, wrestle around in bed a little bit, have an awkward moment with a condom (but seriously, there is no cool way to handle that situation anyway) and then have passionless, self absorbed sex. There's no foreplay, no real affection for each other... they don't even look like they're enjoying it that much. They're just two drunk-ass people who want to get their jollies off. They'll fuck anyone.
I'm not saying either character is slutty; they're both fucking just to fuck.
When I saw that scene I got a little *shudder*
It wasn't just Seth Rogan shirtless- I'd had sex like that before, and I never want to again. I have no problem with casual sex or one night stands. I just hope hope HOPE I never am that desperate for some lovin' that I fuck someone I don't really like or don't have a connection with just so I can get my fun bits tickled.
That movie changed my life.
May I never fuck just to fuck again.
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